Monday, February 25, 2013

Stove Top Ovens

Stove Top Oven

Those of you who have boats with a galley equipped with an oven are truly fortunate.   Oh, the smell of baking cinnamon rolls in the morning, or a couple of nice baked potatoes for dinner with that great steak.  Mmmmmm.  Most of us though, have a one or two burner stove in our galley (picture above) and while we can fry and boil to our heart’s content…… there is something really nice about freshly baked muffins……  

Take heart - - all is not lost - - there is a “stove top” oven that can be placed above one of the burners on your stove.  These ovens have a thermostat so that temperatures can easily be controlled.  Usually they have adjustable racks.  Some have a door – others are top loading.


The one shown above is a Coleman brand…… and sells for about $35.  Others are more expensive - - but none seem to be excessively high priced.  The one aboard Snickerdoodle is a top loading style with a handle on the “lid” and the cooking racks supported below the lid.  When I lift up the lid, the cooking racks slide up vertically so that I can get to the food.  This rack easily fits on my Orego two-burner stove and I’ve had good luck with it.

A word of caution though.  These units don’t have insulation like your oven at home.  So, watch out - - - the sides and top of the oven get pretty hot.